Tuesday, July 12, 2011

BIG news.

Well friends, I have some BIG news (which many of you may already know!). Brian accepted a position with his company in - drum roll please - Denver, Colorado!!! The position is the same job he currently has, but with a new territory. Its a great opportunity to stay with the company and best of all, transfer to Colorado. He starts on August 2, which is exciting and a little surreal.

At the end of this month we'll pack up B's car and drive to Denver. We're planning to stop and camp in Great Basin National Park along the way. Great way to check another National Park off the list and it just so happens to be about half way in between. I'll spend a week in Denver for L & D's wedding (and hopefully some interviews) then come back to Califorina to pack up our apartment and continue the job search. B will live with his brother's family in Denver until I find a job.

My HOPE is to have a job soon. I've already applied for a few and continue searching every.single.day. If I can't find a job by the end of October the plan is to move anyway. I'm hopeful it won't come to that and yet happy to have an end date for my sanity.

While it is bittersweet to leave this gorgeous state and all our wonderful friends, everyone knows my heart is in Colorado. I am beyond excited to return home...especially with Brian by my side. When I moved to California nearly four years ago, I always hoped we'd return to Colorado together someday. I love it when dreams come true!

Wish us luck as we make the transition. Thankfully we have extensive experience with long distance relationships!

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